モート・ナアリー「No, I'm your father」トーノ・ニチャアウォーカー「Nooooo――!!」
…あれ、俺疲れてるのかな? -- 2017-07-04 (火) 00:12:29
(Long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...) ???? "*Con*! I can feel your anger and fatigue. You are defenceless. Your feeble force is no match for the power of the dark side. Take your money. Dedicate your spirit orbs to my shrine with all of your hatred and your journey towards the dark side will be complete. If you are not to do, you have paid the price for your lack of vision" やくも「千狐何してるだn...フガフガ」 -- 2017-07-04 (火) 12:21:27