I dont see any fun in alwayas have to use +7 to win a stage... I still stuck in E57 because EDO is not allowed to help me. -- Электа?2022-01-20 (Thu) 20:49:28
I think so, too. The request rate for +7 characters has increased since the 54th episode of Tenichi, but now even with +7, the old +7 is rejected, which is not as interesting as when playing with characters of +5 or less. I have no choice but to judge from the circumstantial evidence, but I can only think that the main staff, including the producer, have changed. How did this happen? -- 2022-01-21 (金) 11:16:21
I made a mistake in the line break. I'm sorry. -- 2022-01-21 (金) 11:18:25
なおしといた -- 2022-01-21 (金) 19:31:19
↑申し訳ない!ありがとうございます! -- 2022-01-21 (金) 19:59:22
Anyway. If it's 57 episodes, it might be an ant to look for a video and see it. It may be possible to refer to it with your own character. -- 2022-01-21 (金) 11:25:10
It has been like this since the last year. They gave up on balancing stuffs, just buffing mobs, nerfing ours... so brain dead. Btw are you sure you're stuck on E57? I don't recall any restrictions on that map. You'll see true hell on E60 tho -- 2022-01-21 (金) 19:16:58